Novel electrochromic material for display screens

Our client has asekd for feasible suggestions regarding a novel electrochromic [mainly] material/ composite for use in display screens. Our task involved reviewing all currently used materials and suggesting/ working on new materials.

First part of this projects attempted to collect all possible electrochromic materials that could potentially be used for interactions with tablet and smartphones’ applications. Such interactions can only be based on electric current, thus electrochromic materials were the only investigated option. In this project chromic phenomena and Electrochromism were investigated and discussed. Electrochromic materials classifications were also discussed and explained. All potential electrochromic materials were thoroughly grouped and analyzed.



It was concluded that two different approaches [at least] could be used, that required specific interfaces between the phone/ tablet and the artificial nail itself. Part 1 of this work has dealt with electrochromic materials. Since that time, the idea of photorefractive polymers [PR] had been investigated and one solution based on these materials was presented.